NorthStar Pharmacy

Why Compound Medication?

  • Manufacture Companies may not formulate medicines, which are needed for only small population.
  • Manufacture Company makes medicines for masses and at our compounding pharmacy, we make medicines especially for you.
  • Special delivery dosage requirement e.g. young children need liquid medication as they may have trouble swallowing tablets or capsules.
  • Special strength requirement e.g. hormone replacement therapy requirement is different for each individual patient and manufacture can not fulfill such wide strength requirements. At Northstar Pharmacy, we make special strength, concentration medication according to your need.
  • Specialized medication -  Many patients are allergic to preservatives or dyes or are sensitive to standard drug therapies, which need specialized medications.
  • Drug Shortage – when drug companies cannot fulfill patient's requirements, we make medicine from scratch and fulfill our patients’ needs.
  • Flavoring - We can flavor each medication to suit the individual’s palate, and eliminate aftertastes. Physicians can prescribe compounded medications to change the flavor to make it more palatable. 
  • Veterinarian requirement – Pets have medications and taste requirements too...Let us work with your veterinarian to customized your pet’s medication needs.